General information about company

Scrip code506543
Result TypeMain Format
Class of securityEquity
Date of start of financial year01-04-2017
Date of end of financial year31-03-2018
Date of board meeting when results were approved12-08-2017
Date on which prior intimation of the meeting for considering financial results was informed to the exchange24-07-2017
Description of presentation currencyINR
Level of rounding used in financial resultsActual
Reporting QuarterFirst quarter
Nature of report standalone or consolidatedStandalone
Whether results are audited or unauditedUnaudited
Segment ReportingSingle segment
Description of single segmentManufacturing of NPK Fertilisers
Start time of board meeting03:45
End time of board meeting05:00

Financial Results – Other than Bank

Particulars3 months/ 6 months ended (dd-mm-yyyy)Year to date figures for current period ended (dd-mm-yyyy)
ADate of start of reporting period01-04-201701-04-2017
BDate of end of reporting period30-06-201730-06-2017
CWhether results are audited or unauditedUnauditedUnaudited
DNature of report standalone or consolidatedStandaloneStandalone
Part IBlue color marked fields are non-mandatory. For Consolidated Results, if the company has no figures for 3 months / 6 months ended, in such case zero shall be inserted in the said column.
1Revenue From Operations
Revenue from operations00
Other income642797642797
Total Revenue642797642797
(a)Cost of materials consumed00
(b)Purchases of stock-in-trade00
(c)Changes in inventories of finished goods, work-in-progress and stock-in-trade00
(d)Employee benefit expense 144451144451
(e)Finance costs00
(f)Depreciation and amortisation expense00
(g)Other Expenses
1Advertisement Exp.46604660
2Consultancy Charges1560415604
3Electricity Charges62856285
4Legal and Professional Expenses82508250
5Rent Rates and Taxes58405840
6Custodial Fees284660.5284660.5
7Postage, Courier & Telephone expenses49184918
8Vehicle and Travelling Expense2775127751
9Directors Sitting fees2000020000
10Other office expenses9410.879410.87
Total other expenses387379.37387379.37
Total expenses531830.37531830.37

Financial Results – Other than Bank

Particulars3 months/ 6 months ended (dd-mm-yyyy)Year to date figures for current period ended (dd-mm-yyyy)
ADate of start of reporting period01-04-201701-04-2017
BDate of end of reporting period30-06-201730-06-2017
CWhether results are audited or unauditedUnauditedUnaudited
DNature of report standalone or consolidatedStandaloneStandalone
Part IBlue color marked fields are non-mandatory. For Consolidated Results, if the company has no figures for 3 months / 6 months ended, in such case zero shall be inserted in the said column.
3Profit before exceptional and extraordinary items and tax 110966.63110966.63
4Exceptional items 00
5Profit before extraordinary items and tax110966.63110966.63
6Extraordinary items00
7Profit before tax110966.63110966.63
Current tax00
Deferred tax00
Total tax expenses00
9Net Profit Loss for the period from continuing operations110966.63110966.63
10Profit (loss) from discontinuing operations before tax00
11Tax expense of discontinuing operations00
12Net profit (loss) from discontinuing operation after tax00
13Profit (loss) for period before minority interest110966.63110966.63
16Net profit (Loss) for the period110966.63110966.63

Financial Results – Other than Bank

Particulars3 months/ 6 months ended (dd-mm-yyyy)Year to date figures for current period ended (dd-mm-yyyy)
ADate of start of reporting period01-04-201701-04-2017
BDate of end of reporting period30-06-201730-06-2017
CWhether results are audited or unauditedUnauditedUnaudited
DNature of report standalone or consolidatedStandaloneStandalone
Part IBlue color marked fields are non-mandatory. For Consolidated Results, if the company has no figures for 3 months / 6 months ended, in such case zero shall be inserted in the said column.
17Details of equity share capital
Paid-up equity share capital5803914058039140
Face value of equity share capital1010
17Details of debt securities
18Reserves excluding revaluation reserve
20Earnings per equity share
Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing and discontinued operations0.0190.019
Diluted earnings (loss) per share from continuing and discontinued operations0.0190.019
24Disclosure of notes on financial results