* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Polar Bear End of Season Super Horseshoe Bowl (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Jeff Paschal 25.88 79 802293 NC 1 0 147 17 0 8.12 50 34.00 2. Jeremy Smith 35.20 65 400085 NC 0 1 134 17 0 1.20- 50 34.00 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Polar Bear End of Season PBL - East Division (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Rebecca Eatman 38.22 63 400059 NC 3 0 400 54 0 2.22- 150 36.00 2. Jim Zimmerman 63.45 39 400079 NC 2 1 405 88 0 4.78- 150 58.67 3. Raymond Callahan 39.55 63 400285 NC 1 2 398 52 0 4.88- 150 34.67 4. Brody Loranger 2.38 113 803637 NC 0 3 389 2 0 1.05- 150 1.33 1. Rebecca Eatman 3-0 2. Jim Zimmerman 2-1 Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % -------- ----- ---- --- --- -------- ----- ---- --- --- 1. Raymond Callahan 136/123 18 50 36.0 1. Brody Loranger 141/128 31 50 62.0 2. Jim Zimmerman 131/127 19 50 38.0 2. Rebecca Eatman 127/131 26 50 52.0 3. Brody Loranger 133/131 17 50 34.0 3. Raymond Callahan 137/131 31 50 62.0 ---------------------- ---------------------- 400 54 150 36.00 405 88 150 58.67 3. Raymond Callahan 1-2 4. Brody Loranger 0-3 Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % -------- ----- ---- --- --- -------- ----- ---- --- --- 1. Rebecca Eatman 123/136 12 50 24.0 1. Jim Zimmerman 128/141 0 50 0.0 2. Brody Loranger 144/130 22 50 44.0 2. Raymond Callahan 130/144 2 50 4.0 3. Jim Zimmerman 131/137 18 50 36.0 3. Rebecca Eatman 131/133 0 50 0.0 ---------------------- ---------------------- 398 52 150 34.67 389 2 150 1.33 Polar Bear End of Season PBL - West Division (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Jeremy Smith 35.20 65 400085 NC 2 1 433 69 1 10.80 150 46.00 2. Charlie Alston 45.56 55 400381 NC 2 1 425 68 1 0.23- 150 45.33 3. Julius Bartell 50.00 51 400238 NC 2 1 406 66 1 6.00- 150 44.00 4. Cameron Way 2.33 111 803732 NC 0 3 390 8 0 3.00 150 5.33 1. Jeremy Smith 2-1 2. Charlie Alston 2-1 Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % -------- ----- ---- --- --- -------- ----- ---- --- --- 1. Charlie Alston 141/150 22 50 44.0 1. Jeremy Smith 150/141 26 50 52.0 2. Julius Bartell 146/137 24 50 48.0 2. Cameron Way 144/130 23 50 46.0 3. Cameron Way 146/132 23 50 46.0 3. Julius Bartell 131/132 19 50 38.0 ---------------------- ---------------------- 433 69 150 46.00 425 68 150 45.33 3. Julius Bartell 2-1 4. Cameron Way 0-3 Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % -------- ----- ---- --- --- -------- ----- ---- --- --- 1. Cameron Way 137/128 21 50 42.0 1. Julius Bartell 128/137 2 50 4.0 2. Jeremy Smith 137/146 24 50 48.0 2. Charlie Alston 130/144 3 50 6.0 3. Charlie Alston 132/131 21 50 42.0 3. Jeremy Smith 132/146 3 50 6.0 ---------------------- ---------------------- 406 66 150 44.00 390 8 150 5.33 Polar Bear End of Season PBL - South Division (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Bill Stockford 36.22 65 802336 NC 3 0 428 58 0 2.45 150 38.67 2. Connie Marion 26.20 81 400376 NC 2 1 434 49 0 6.47 150 32.67 3. Joe Scandy 42.06 60 802292 NC 1 2 397 50 0 8.73- 150 33.33 4. Dylan Loranger 3.63 107 803638 NC 0 3 397 9 0 2.37 150 6.00 1. Bill Stockford 3-0 2. Connie Marion 2-1 Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % -------- ----- ---- --- --- -------- ----- ---- --- --- 1. Connie Marion 142/138 19 50 38.0 1. Bill Stockford 138/142 15 50 30.0 2. Dylan Loranger 146/135 20 50 40.0 2. Joe Scandy 145/132 17 50 34.0 3. Joe Scandy 140/128 19 50 38.0 3. Dylan Loranger 151/132 17 50 34.0 ---------------------- ---------------------- 428 58 150 38.67 434 49 150 32.67 3. Joe Scandy 1-2 4. Dylan Loranger 0-3 Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % -------- ----- ---- --- --- -------- ----- ---- --- --- 1. Dylan Loranger 137/130 17 50 34.0 1. Joe Scandy 130/137 3 50 6.0 2. Connie Marion 132/145 17 50 34.0 2. Bill Stockford 135/146 3 50 6.0 3. Bill Stockford 128/140 16 50 32.0 3. Connie Marion 132/151 3 50 6.0 ---------------------- ---------------------- 397 50 150 33.33 397 9 150 6.00 Polar Bear End of Season PBL - North Division (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Jeff Paschal 25.88 79 802293 NC 3 0 439 47 0 5.45 150 31.33 2. Doug Mckenzie 49.80 50 400042 NC 2 1 410 72 0 1.80- 150 48.00 3. Chris Loranger 16.20 92 803591 NC 1 2 388 25 0 0.47 150 16.67 4. Aran Cooper 5.50 108 803731 NC 0 3 379 6 0 1.50- 150 4.00 1. Jeff Paschal 3-0 2. Doug Mckenzie 2-1 Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % -------- ----- ---- --- --- -------- ----- ---- --- --- 1. Chris Loranger 140/134 14 50 28.0 1. Aran Cooper 144/124 26 50 52.0 2. Aran Cooper 161/132 20 50 40.0 2. Chris Loranger 135/129 24 50 48.0 3. Doug Mckenzie 138/131 13 50 26.0 3. Jeff Paschal 131/138 22 50 44.0 ---------------------- ---------------------- 439 47 150 31.33 410 72 150 48.00 3. Chris Loranger 1-2 4. Aran Cooper 0-3 Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % Opponent Score Rgrs Shs % -------- ----- ---- --- --- -------- ----- ---- --- --- 1. Jeff Paschal 134/140 9 50 18.0 1. Doug Mckenzie 124/144 3 50 6.0 2. Doug Mckenzie 129/135 9 50 18.0 2. Jeff Paschal 132/161 2 50 4.0 3. Aran Cooper 125/123 7 50 14.0 3. Chris Loranger 123/125 1 50 2.0 ---------------------- ---------------------- 388 25 150 16.67 379 6 150 4.00 Polar Bear End of Season East vs West Winners (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Jeremy Smith 35.20 65 400085 NC 1 0 167 31 0 26.80 50 62.00 2. Rebecca Eatman 38.22 63 400059 NC 0 1 165 32 0 25.78 50 64.00 Polar Bear End of Season East vs West 2's (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Jim Zimmerman 63.45 39 400079 NC 1 0 145 34 0 4.55 50 68.00 2. Charlie Alston 45.56 55 400381 NC 0 1 122 19 0 7.56- 50 38.00 Polar Bear End of Season East vs West 3's (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Raymond Callahan 39.55 63 400285 NC 1 0 141 21 0 2.45 50 42.00 2. Julius Bartell 50.00 51 400238 NC 0 1 122 16 0 18.00- 50 32.00 Polar Bear End of Season East vs West 4's (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Brody Loranger 2.38 113 803637 NC 1 0 137 1 0 0.38- 50 2.00 2. Cameron Way 2.33 111 803732 NC 0 1 131 3 0 3.67 50 6.00 Polar Bear End of Season North vs South Winners (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Jeff Paschal 25.88 79 802293 NC 1 0 156 17 0 8.12 50 34.00 2. Bill Stockford 36.22 65 802336 NC 0 1 128 11 0 14.22- 50 22.00 Polar Bear End of Season North vs South 2's (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Connie Marion 26.20 81 400376 NC 1 0 161 21 0 15.80 50 42.00 2. Doug Mckenzie 49.80 50 400042 NC 0 1 152 28 0 6.20 50 56.00 Polar Bear End of Season North vs South 3's (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Joe Scandy 42.06 60 802292 NC 1 0 150 23 0 3.94 50 46.00 2. Chris Loranger 16.20 92 803591 NC 0 1 114 2 0 12.20- 50 4.00 Polar Bear End of Season North vs South 4's (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Dylan Loranger 3.63 107 803638 NC 1 0 135 2 0 0.37 50 4.00 2. Aran Cooper 5.50 108 803731 NC 0 1 131 3 0 0.50 50 6.00 Polar Bear End of Season Losers - E/W vs N/S (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Rebecca Eatman 38.22 63 400059 NC 1 0 138 19 0 0.22- 50 38.00 2. Bill Stockford 36.22 65 802336 NC 0 1 137 16 0 4.22- 50 32.00 Polar Bear End of Season # 2 Winners - E/W vs N/S (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Jim Zimmerman 63.45 39 400079 NC 1 0 159 38 0 12.55 50 76.00 2. Connie Marion 26.20 81 400376 NC 0 1 125 11 0 4.20- 50 22.00 Polar Bear End of Season # 2 - Losers - E/W vs N/S (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Doug Mckenzie 49.80 50 400042 NC 1 0 141 25 0 0.20 50 50.00 2. Charlie Alston 45.56 55 400381 NC 0 1 139 21 0 3.56- 50 42.00 Polar Bear End of Season # 3 Winners - E/W vs N/S (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Joe Scandy 42.06 60 802292 NC 1 0 157 26 0 9.94 50 52.00 2. Raymond Callahan 39.55 63 400285 NC 0 1 146 23 0 6.45 50 46.00 Polar Bear End of Season # 3 Losers - E/W vs N/S (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Chris Loranger 16.20 92 803591 NC 1 0 142 12 0 7.80 50 24.00 2. Julius Bartell 50.00 51 400238 NC 0 1 129 19 0 12.00- 50 38.00 Polar Bear End of Season # 4 Winners - E/W vs N/S (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Cameron Way 2.33 111 803732 NC 1 0 136 5 0 7.67 50 10.00 2. Aran Cooper 5.50 108 803731 NC 0 1 134 0 0 5.50- 50 0.00 Polar Bear End of Season # 4 Losers - E/W vs N/S (Rank: W/L - H2H - Rgr% - Pts) Raleigh, NC March 4, 2023 Pos Name Entry % Hcp Card# St Won Lost Pts Rgrs HToH OvrAvg Sh R% --- ------------------ ------- --- ----- -- --- ---- --- ---- ---- ------- -- -- 1. Brody Loranger 2.38 113 803637 NC 1 0 134 1 0 0.38- 50 2.00 2. Dylan Loranger 3.63 107 803638 NC 0 1 132 3 0 2.37 50 6.00