Tuesday, March 28, 2006 at the Carver Educational Services Center


(This summary includes motions and resolutions passed at the March meeting.)


Approval of Minutes:

The minutes from the February 28, 2006 Delegate Assembly were reviewed. A revised grading and reporting committee report was shown on the overhead and read. The report was amended to read as follows:

Committee chair Shirley Brandman had to leave early tonight, so Sharon St. Pierre reported for her. A grading and reporting update on new language for grading and reporting is in your packets. Please review the modifications in homework for completion and practice. When a student has turned in “homework for completion” by the deadline, and when it appears to the teacher that the student has made a good faith attempt to perform the assignment, the student should receive full credit, regardless of the accuracy, quality, or even completeness of the homework submitted. Only if, in the teacher’s professional judgment, the student has not attempted in good faith to perform the assignment, the teacher may then give partial credit for the homework. Please review these changes with your schools.

The minutes stand approved as amended.


Treasurer’s Report:

The treasurer’s report was filed.


Business Items:

Sharon St. Pierre presented the Gifted Child Committee resolution.

Sharon St. Pierre made a motion to set a time limit of five minutes for discussion of the resolution. It was seconded and passed by a show of hands.


Sharon St. Pierre made a motion to allow the Gifted and Talented Committee Chair for White Oak Middle School who helped write the resolution, Fred Stiknott, to speak to the Gifted Child Committee resolution. The motion was seconded and passed by a show of hands.


Sharon St. Pierre made a motion that the delegates support taking this resolution back to their local PTAs and bringing it back next month for a vote. It was seconded and passed by show of hands.


The resolution as written below was posted on the list serv.


Resolution proposed by the MCCPTA Gifted Child Committee Recommending Development of a Gifted and Talented Curriculum:

WHEREAS, a Montgomery County Public Schools (“MCPS”) Middle School Reform Steering

Committee (the “Steering Committee”) has been charged to formulate a comprehensive plan (the “Plan”) that will produce a rigorous and challenging middle school education program that improves teaching and learning, promotes continuous improvement in all middle schools, and ensures that all students are prepared for rigorous high school standards; and

WHEREAS, Policy IOA, recognizing that gifted and talented students require instructional and curricular adjustments that can create a better match between their identified needs and the educational services they typically receive, provides that MCPS will prepare a scope and sequence of objectives and activities as well as materials that accelerate and enrich the regular curriculum in Pre-kindergarten-8, in mathematics, reading/language arts, science, and social studies; and

WHEREAS, the National Association for Gifted Children’s Pre-K-Grade 12 Gifted Program Standards (with which the components of the MCPS gifted and talented program are to be aligned) require as a minimum standard that instruction objectives and strategies provided to gifted learners must be systematically differentiated from those in the regular classroom; and

WHEREAS, Policy IFA requires that curricula promote continuity and cumulative acquisition and application of skills and knowledge and allow teachers and students to understand what is expected and required of them; and

WHEREAS, this Committee finds that the middle school MCPS Curriculum Guides provide extensions and enhancements for optional and periodic use in enriching gifted and talented education, but that such extensions and enhancements neither sequentially and systematically ground the acceleration of gifted and talented education, nor allow teachers and students to understand what is expected and required of them; and

WHEREAS, as a part of a multiyear plan for development of strong local gifted and talented programs, MCPS has determined to strengthen differentiation in the instructional guides;

BE IT RESOLVED, that this Committee recommends to the Steering Committee that there be included in the Plan the recommendation that MCPS add as soon as possible to the middle school Curriculum Guides sequenced and systematic higher level gifted and talented curricula, in mathematics, reading/language arts, science and social studies.


Resolution Concerning MCPS Media Regulation:

A delegate made a motion that we allow a five minute time limit of discussion for this resolution. It was seconded and passed by a show of hands.


Ted Willard made a motion for an additional five minutes of discussion. It was seconded and

                passed by a voice vote.


            John Moriarity made a motion that we defer action on this resolution until the April meeting. It

                was seconded.

Rich Edelman made an amendment to the motion to defer action that MCCPTA specifically ask MCPS to delay any action pending our organization’s position. The amendment was seconded and passed by a voice vote.

 John Moriarity’s original motion as amended passed by a voice vote.

Resolution Concerning MCPS Media Regulation: As adopted by the Richard Montgomery HS PTSA March 13, 2006

            WHEREAS, MCPS recently revised Regulation IIB-RA to ban the showing of R-rated movies as  

                well as excerpts from these movies in high school classrooms throughout the county, and

                WHEREAS, this regulation has the effect of blanket censorship which undermines many high 

                school subjects, including but not limited to history, English, foreign language and film classes,

                without regard to the educational assessment of the usefulness of the motion pictures relative to

                the classroom objectives, and

                WHEREAS, Regulation IIB-RA adversely impacts the quality of student instruction, therefore,

                RESOLVED, that MCCPTA requests that the Board of Education immediately rescind Regulation

                IIB-RA, section four, and

                RESOLVED, that the replacement regulation incorporate a system for exceptions, whereby 

                teachers apply or request to have certain films exempted from the policy for educational purposes,


                RESOLVED, that teachers who request materials that are R-rated or un-rated for classroom use

                should provide information to parents to form their own assessment, and that a system of signed

                permissions from parents should constitute sufficient authorization to permit the use of R-rated or               

                un-rated motion pictures, either as excerpt or in their entirety, in high school classrooms.

Sharon Schulman made a motion that we direct Ted Willard to endorse the work group recommendations that students who are 17 years old be permitted to sign permission for themselves to see R rated films. It was seconded. It passed by a voice vote.

 New Business Item:

Juan Johnson made a motion to raise the membership dues to $1.00 per member up from $.75. No second is required. This will be included in the minutes. Please take it back to your locals and it will be voted on at the annual meeting in April.



Acting officers -

Chris Barclay, nominating committee chair, last month nominated Sharon St. Pierre to finish the term as Vice President, Educational Issues and Ted Willard to finish the term as Vice President, Programs.

Chris Barclay made a motion for the body to vote on these nominations (hearing no other nominations from the floor for either position). No second was needed since it came from committee. A voice vote passed for both nominees to finish their terms.

Presentation of slate of FY ’06-’07 officers -

Cindy reminded delegates that nominations from the floor can always be made. The April election will be overseen by either the president or the president elect from the MD PTA.

Chris recognized and thanked his nominating committee members – Ana Janckson-Curtis, Allyson Morrison, Lori Merrill, Leslie Ridgway, Lauren Haven and Terri Salus. He referred delegates to their packets and the list of officers, Area Vice Presidents (AVPs) and cluster coordinators. The consensus of the delegates was not to go through the cluster coordinators and AVPs. The nominations for officers are:

            President                                                                Jane de Winter

                Vice President: Educational Issues                  Sharon St. Pierre

                Vice President: Administration                         Cassandra Abdelmeguid

                Vice President: Programs                                   April Keyes

                Vice President: Legislation                 Victor Salazar

                Recording Secretary                                            Liz  Wheeler

                Recording Secretary                                            Kay Romero

                Treasurer                                                               Juan Johnson



By direction of the MCCPTA bylaws committee, Vicki Rafel made a motion that the bylaws amendments as shown on the overhead (see below) now be accepted.

Proposed Amendments to MCCPTA Bylaws:

Vicki Rafel, Bylaws committee chair, explained the distributed proposed amendments.

At the February 28, 2006 Delegate Assembly a motion was adopted directing the bylaws committee to draft the following amendments to the MCCPTA Bylaws:

Article VI Officers and their Election: Insert a new Section 4e which reads, “Any officer of MCCPTA shall resign within a week of filing for candidacy for public office.”

Article VIII Board of Directors: Insert a new Section 5 and renumber the following sections.

“Section 5. If a member of the board of directors (other than an elected officer –See Article VI,

Section 4e) files for candidacy for public office, he/she shall not speak publicly on behalf of

MCCPTA. If elected to public office, a member of the board of directors shall resign immediately.”

The Bylaws committee is proposing as an additional amendment a section that had been left out of our recent revision of the bylaws because it was not included in the Maryland PTA’s bylaws template. The suggestion has been made that without this language, members might be excluded in the future even though this has been our practice for many years.

            Article VIII Board of Directors: Insert a new Section 11 to read, “Regular meetings of the board

                of directors shall be open to all members of local PTAs.”

Thirty days notice of proposed bylaws amendments is required. These proposed amendments will be voted on at the May Delegate Assembly since the April Delegate Assembly is less than thirty days away.