Washington County Sewage Council Operating Committee

February 2, 2023

9:00 A. M.

  1. The Regular Meeting ofthe Operating Committee of the Washington County Sewage Council met on February 2, 2023 and was called to order at 9:01

    A.M. by Stephanie Pettit, Vice-Chair.

  2. Jodi Noble, Treasurer, Tyler Linck, Stephanie Pettit, Lars Lange and Ellen Wallo were present.


    1. Jodi Noble made a motion to approve the minutes from the January 5, 2023 meeting as presented. Lars Lange seconded. All members present voting yes, motion carried.

    2. A motion was made by Tyler Linck to approve the payroll and bills list, which was seconded by Jodi Noble. All members voting yes, motion carried.


  1. Revised SEO Contracts were discussed. They will be presented to SEO's with one change.

  2. Tyler Linck made a motion to approve the Minutes of the Full Council Meeting of January 26, 2023. The motion was seconded by Lars Lange. All members voting yes, motion carried.

There was no change to the by-laws of the Full Council, which involved requiring a smaller number than is required now for a quorum, as there was a larger number than usual in attendance at the January 26, 2023 meeting.

The Operating Committee will seek a meeting place for the January 2024 Full Council Meeting, as the plan is to move around the County for these meetings.


1) Jodi Noble made a motion to accept Crystal Brown's resignation as Chair from the Operating Committee, as Ms. Brown is resigning her position at Robinson Township and coming to the WCSC to work. The motion was seconded by Lars Lange. All members voting yes, motion carried.

2} Tyler Linck made a motion to appoint Stephanie Pettit, current Vice-Chair, to Chair position of Operating Committee. The motion was seconded by Jodi Noble. All members voting yes, with Ms. Pettit abstaining. The motion carried.

3) Stephanie Pettit made a motion to appoint Tyler Linck to position of Vice-Chair of Operating Committee. The motion was seconded by Lars Lange. All members voting yes, with Mr. Linck abstaining. Motion carried.

4} The next item was to appoint Bob Taylor to Operating Committee, representing North Bethlehem Township. Mr. Taylor stated that North Bethlehem Township has a representative at the current time, and he does not feel it would be a

good move to unseat him. After further discussion, this item was tabled to the

next Operating Committee Meeting in March 2023.

5} The next item on the agenda was to extend an offer of part-time employment to Crystal Brown as Office Administrator, with terms further described in offer letter on file. This letter allows for $24.00 an hour, with up to 32 hours in a week with no benefits. Ms. Brown's anticipated start date to be March 6, 2023. A motion was made by Tyler Linck to offer Crystal Brown part-time employment as of March 6, 2023. The motion was seconded by Jodi Noble. All members voting yes, the motion carried.


a} A review of permits and dye tests for December as follows:

2023(YTD} 2022(YTD} 2021(YTD}

Dye Tests 13

Applications 10

20 (200)

22 (192)

16 (173)

11 (162)


Next Operating Committee Meeting will be held March 2, 2023 at the WCSC office.


Ellen Wallo, Recording Secretary