4th Annual Panther Prowl 5K Run
Monticello, IA
June 25, 2011
60's & Light Rain @ Start
Results by Kauder Racing
Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual.
CLASS PLACE PLACE FINISHER TIME PACE Open Men 1 1 M20 Nick Bowerman, 28, Dubuque, IA 15:23 4:57 Open Women 1 1 W30 Erin Moeller, 33, Mount Vernon, IA 16:52 5:26 CLASS PLACE PLACE FINISHER TIME PACE Men 14 & Under 5 1 Preston Kauder, 14, Cascade, IA 17:38 5:40 15 2 Jordan Loes, 13, Monticello, IA 19:22 6:14 32 3 DeArzae Fasnacht, 14, Monticello, IA 21:33 6:56 35 4 Jack McGreal, 14, Monticello, IA 21:59 7:04 41 5 Ty Leibold, 14, Monticello, IA 22:41 7:18 48 6 Ryan Holub, 13, Coggon, IA 24:54 8:01 52 7 Connor Franzenbury, 12, Monticello, IA 25:27 8:11 55 8 Khory Nobles, 10, Cedar Rapids, IA 26:02 8:22 58 9 Brandon Engelken, 10, Manchester, IA 26:03 8:23 70 10 Karter Donahue, 11, Cedar Rapids, IA 31:13 10:03 74 11 Sean Sauser, 12, Richmond, TX 34:31 11:06 Men 15 - 19 6 1 Noah Williams, 18, Monticello, IA 17:38 5:40 8 2 Ben Ahlrichs, 15, Monticello, IA 18:05 5:49 10 3 Anthony Kinley, 15, Monticello, IA 18:20 5:54 11 4 Tyler Schneider, 17, Monticello, IA 18:40 6:00 12 5 Jj Frawley, 15, Monticello, IA 18:40 6:00 14 6 Dallas Lumpa, 16, Monticello, IA 19:08 6:09 16 7 Nick Meyers, 15, Monticello, IA 19:23 6:14 18 8 Jud Schneider, 19, Monticello, IA 19:30 6:16 19 9 Colton McQuillen, 18, Monticello, IA 19:32 6:17 26 10 Cole Stuedemann, 15, Clinton, IA 20:07 6:28 33 11 Scott Stoneking, 15, Monticello, IA 21:48 7:01 36 12 Jordan Barker, 15, Monticello, IA 22:01 7:05 42 13 Connor Olson, 18, Scotch Grove, IA 22:57 7:23 64 14 Quinlin Summy, 16, Anamosa, IA 27:44 8:55 Men 20 - 29 2 1 Nathan Hopp, 28, West Amana, IA 15:46 5:04 9 2 David Vande Walle, 24, Cedar Rapids, IA 18:12 5:51 21 3 Geoff Stamp, 29, North Liberty, IA 19:37 6:19 23 4 Clayton Shotwell, 23, Cedar Rapids, IA 19:41 6:20 25 5 Brad Thies, 27, Dubuque, IA 19:58 6:26 31 6 Tom Ries, 28, Monticello, IA 21:31 6:55 47 7 James Ulstad, 24, Peoria, IL 23:50 7:40 63 8 Nick Kahler, 29, Monticello, IA 27:38 8:53 76 9 Adam Heginger, 23, Monticello, IA 35:14 11:20 78 10 Bryant Barnette, 21, Monticello, IA 41:12 13:16 Men 30 - 39 7 1 Andrew Kauder, 39, Cedar Rapids, IA 17:49 5:44 13 2 Matt Cook, 31, Marion, IA 19:02 6:08 20 3 Ryan Foley, 32, Dubuque, IA 19:35 6:18 27 4 Matthew Fettkether, 33, Cedar Rapids, IA 20:16 6:31 37 5 Scott Brighton, 36, Monticello, IA 22:18 7:11 38 6 Travis Zywica, 34, Chicago, IL 22:22 7:12 39 7 Travis Senters, 35, Monticello, IA 22:29 7:14 45 8 Todd Frisch, 38, Durant, IA 23:36 7:36 46 9 Timothy Wiley, 30, Marion, IA 23:49 7:40 50 10 Kory Helgens, 31, Marion, IA 25:17 8:08 56 11 Stephen Fasnacht, 38, Monticello, IA 26:02 8:23 60 12 Tim Flynn, 36, Scotch Grove, IA 26:24 8:30 61 13 Garett Hanken, 31, Monticello, IA 26:32 8:32 65 14 Dusty Cleeton, 34, Monticello, IA 27:49 8:57 66 15 Todd Hospodarsky, 39, Monticello, IA 29:26 9:28 69 16 Matt Thompson, 31, Marion, IA 30:58 9:58 73 17 Nick Hull, 32, Owatonna, MN 33:30 10:47 83 18 Ben Bruggeman, 34, Monticello, IA 49:55 16:04 Men 40 - 49 4 1 Bret Stephenson, 40, Cedar Rapids, IA 17:28 5:37 17 2 Pete Goedken, 40, Hiawatha, IA 19:24 6:14 22 3 Murray Mente, 44, Tipton, IA 19:39 6:19 24 4 Mike Lambert, 40, Monticello, IA 19:51 6:23 28 5 John Cook, 44, Dubuque, IA 20:19 6:32 29 6 Mark Roseberry, 46, Center Point, IA 20:23 6:33 30 7 Bennett Eastburn, 49, Monticello, IA 20:23 6:34 40 8 Dave Postel, 44, Monticello, IA 22:33 7:15 43 9 Dave Meyers, 47, Monticello, IA 22:58 7:23 51 10 Tom Storey, 43, North Liberty, IA 25:19 8:09 53 11 Joe McGreal, 46, Monticello, IA 25:32 8:13 54 12 Brad Langhoff, 44, Marion, IA 25:46 8:18 57 13 Tim Koppes, 40, Monticello, IA 26:03 8:23 59 14 Doug Herman, 44, Monticello, IA 26:09 8:25 62 15 Tom Keleher, 48, Monticello, IA 26:57 8:40 68 16 Edward Green, 48, Anamosa, IA 29:47 9:35 72 17 Jim Reinke, 43, Onslow, IA 31:41 10:12 75 18 Jim Sauser, 43, Richmond, TX 34:42 11:10 Men 50 - 59 3 1 Phil Kauder, 50, Cascade, IA 17:13 5:32 44 2 Tom Loch, 53, Cedar Rapids, IA 23:06 7:26 49 3 Pete Temple, 53, Monticello, IA 25:09 8:06 67 4 Scott Snyder, 55, Monticello, IA 29:46 9:35 82 5 Kevin Stingley, 59, Monticello, IA 49:30 15:56 Men 60 & Up 34 1 Bob Strickland, 60, Marion, IA 21:53 7:02 71 2 Jim Meister, 67, Cedar Rapids, IA 31:13 10:03 77 3 John Williams, 61, Monticello, IA 37:37 12:06 79 4 Joe Ihn, 80, Guttenburg, IA 41:22 13:19 80 5 Jon Sauser, 67, Monticello, IA 44:52 14:26 81 6 Don Tapken, 65, Monticello, IA 45:44 14:43 CLASS PLACE PLACE FINISHER TIME PACE Women 14 & Under 8 1 Rachel McDermott, 13, Cascade, IA 22:25 7:13 10 2 Kylie Kelchen, 13, Cascade, IA 22:43 7:18 24 3 McKenna Kremer, 13, Monticello, IA 25:40 8:16 39 4 Samantha Clasen, 10, Monticello, IA 26:55 8:40 57 5 Samantha Engelken, 13, Manchester, IA 29:44 9:34 61 6 Leah Koppes, 12, Monticello, IA 30:34 9:50 66 7 Kaylee Stephen, 11, Monticello, IA 31:39 10:11 67 8 Paige Folken, 11, Monticello, IA 31:41 10:12 Women 15 - 19 6 1 Olivia Deitzel, 18, Dickeyville, WI 21:34 6:56 9 2 Kayla Kurt, 19, Monticello, IA 22:28 7:14 12 3 Cassie Britt, 16, Monticello, IA 24:04 7:45 13 4 Kaitlyn Timm, 18, Monticello, IA 24:13 7:48 14 5 McKinzie Machart, 15, Anamosa, IA 24:14 7:48 17 6 McKinzie Ludwig, 19, Monticello, IA 24:17 7:49 29 7 Karly Donahue, 15, Cedar Rapids, IA 26:22 8:29 48 8 Brooke Holub, 16, Anamosa, IA 27:57 8:59 70 9 Shelby Holub, 15, Monticello, IA 32:45 10:32 81 10 Kaitlyn Sauser, 15, Richmond, TX 36:21 11:42 82 11 Cassie Green, 15, Anamosa, IA 36:45 11:50 Women 20 - 29 2 1 Elaina Mertens, 25, Cedar Rapids, IA 18:51 6:04 3 2 Alice Anderson, 28, Marion, IA 19:01 6:07 7 3 Kelli Johnson, 23, Monticello, IA 22:18 7:11 16 4 Ashley Monk, 20, Monticello, IA 24:15 7:48 20 5 Chasity Miller, 27, Ely, IA 24:31 7:53 33 6 Lindsey Weirich, 25, Iowa City, IA 26:39 8:35 34 7 Diane McElmeel, 29, Monticello, IA 26:40 8:35 41 8 Molly Leytem, 28, Anamosa, IA 27:05 8:43 43 9 Emily Russ, 25, Monticello, IA 27:23 8:49 44 10 Holly Zumbach, 25, Monticello, IA 27:42 8:55 51 11 Liz Haulk, 24, Prairieburg, IA 28:31 9:11 56 12 MacKenzie Kahler, 27, Monticello, IA 29:36 9:32 64 13 Amanda Campbell, 27, Cedar Rapids, IA 31:11 10:02 73 14 Amanda Short, 24, Marion, IA 33:04 10:38 93 15 Kara Gile, 26, Onslow, IA 56:36 18:13 Women 30 - 39 4 1 Tammy Kallback, 31, Dubuque, IA 19:42 6:20 5 2 Mindy Capron, 35, Monticello, IA 20:44 6:40 11 3 Becky Cooper, 38, Monticello, IA 23:54 7:41 18 4 Amber Cook, 33, Marion, IA 24:29 7:53 21 5 Donna Sauser, 37, Monticello, IA 24:55 8:01 23 6 Sherry Kelchen, 36, Cascade, IA 25:07 8:05 28 7 Renee Holub, 39, Coggon, IA 26:00 8:22 31 8 Keri Boffeli, 32, Monticello, IA 26:25 8:30 32 9 Jenny Jesenovec, 31, Monticello, IA 26:36 8:33 35 10 Dianne Pedrin, 39, Monticello, IA 26:46 8:37 36 11 Sarah Andresen, 34, Olin, IA 26:53 8:39 37 12 Tara Brighton, 34, Monticello, IA 26:53 8:39 40 13 Shawn Pierce, 32, West Branch, IA 27:01 8:42 42 14 Jessica Seim, 30, Cedar Rapids, IA 27:22 8:48 45 15 Nadia Darget, 32, North Liberty, IA 27:43 8:55 47 16 Val Meier, 32, Cedar Rapids, IA 27:56 8:59 49 17 Shaun Clasen, 33, Monticello, IA 28:10 9:04 55 18 Michelle Clark, 38, Iowa City, IA 29:28 9:29 58 19 Toni Stumpf, 38, Monticello, IA 29:50 9:36 60 20 Angie Carver, 39, Cedar Rapids, IA 30:32 9:49 63 21 Jill Flynn, 34, Scotch Grove, IA 30:46 9:54 65 22 Courtney Senters, 34, Monticello, IA 31:16 10:04 71 23 Carrie Manternach, 35, Monticello, IA 32:47 10:33 74 24 Megan Foxwell, 30, Cedar Rapids, IA 33:12 10:41 75 25 Kelly McAtee, 32, Eldora, IA 33:15 10:42 76 26 Dawn King, 33, Monticello, IA 33:43 10:51 78 27 Jen Fasnacht, 38, Monticello, IA 34:43 11:10 80 28 Dawn Koppes, 37, Monticello, IA 34:59 11:15 83 29 Kris Kremer, 39, Monticello, IA 37:14 11:59 85 30 Diane Temple, 39, Monticello, IA 40:13 12:56 89 31 Jennifer Harmon, 35, Monticello, IA 51:05 16:26 91 32 Tina Clemmons, 30, Monticello, IA 52:27 16:53 Women 40 - 49 15 1 Sheila McGreal, 47, Monticello, IA 24:14 7:48 19 2 Lisa Monk, 48, Monticello, IA 24:30 7:53 22 3 Leann Herman, 44, Monticello, IA 25:05 8:04 25 4 Diane Gray, 45, Monticello, IA 25:42 8:16 26 5 Denise Langhoff, 43, Marion, IA 25:47 8:18 27 6 Lisa Folken, 41, Monticello, IA 26:00 8:22 30 7 Sheila Machart, 41, Anamosa, IA 26:23 8:29 38 8 Roberta Ahlrichs, 46, Anamosa, IA 26:54 8:39 46 9 Deb Meyers, 46, Monticello, IA 27:45 8:56 52 10 Heather Meggers, 40, Hiawatha, IA 28:38 9:13 59 11 Andrea Eastburn, 43, Marion, IA 30:27 9:48 62 12 Sherry Eastburn, 48, Monticello, IA 30:41 9:52 69 13 Rhonda Reinke, 44, Onslow, IA 32:28 10:27 72 14 Carolyn Turnis, 44, Hopkinton, IA 32:49 10:34 84 15 Kimberly Sauser, 42, Richmond, TX 39:04 12:34 Women 50 - 59 50 1 Allison Heffern, 51, Monticello, IA 28:11 9:04 53 2 Dianna Rucker, 57, Monticello, IA 29:10 9:23 54 3 Deb Keating, 56, Monticello, IA 29:22 9:27 68 4 June Fellinger, 59, Monticello, IA 32:07 10:20 77 5 Cynthia Bagge, 52, Monticello, IA 34:26 11:05 79 6 Marie Krutzfield, 57, Anamosa, IA 34:47 11:11 87 7 Gayle Stingley, 54, Monticello, IA 46:39 15:01 90 8 Pat Slater, 54, Olin, IA 51:06 16:27 92 9 Teresa Clemmons, 54, Monticello, IA 56:35 18:12 94 10 Nancy Gile, 59, Onslow, IA 56:54 18:19 Women 60 & Up 86 1 Jean Marie Hall, 71, Elkader, IA 44:46 14:24 88 2 Linda Sauser, 66, Monticello, IA 49:32 15:56 CLASS PLACE PLACE FINISHER TIME PACE Individuals 1 OpM Nick Bowerman, 28, Dubuque, IA 15:23 4:57Return to home page.Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
2 1 M20 Nathan Hopp, 28, West Amana, IA 15:46 5:04 1 OpW Erin Moeller, 33*, Mount Vernon, IA 16:52 5:26 3 1 M50 Phil Kauder, 50, Cascade, IA 17:13 5:32 4 1 M40 Bret Stephenson, 40, Cedar Rapids, IA 17:28 5:37 5 1 JrM Preston Kauder, 14, Cascade, IA 17:38 5:40 6 1 M15 Noah Williams, 18, Monticello, IA 17:38 5:40 7 1 M30 Andrew Kauder, 39, Cedar Rapids, IA 17:49 5:44 8 2 M15 Ben Ahlrichs, 15, Monticello, IA 18:05 5:49 9 2 M20 David Vande Walle, 24, Cedar Rapids, IA 18:12 5:51 10 3 M15 Anthony Kinley, 15, Monticello, IA 18:20 5:54Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
11 4 M15 Tyler Schneider, 17, Monticello, IA 18:40 6:00 12 5 M15 Jj Frawley, 15, Monticello, IA 18:40 6:00 2 1 W20 Elaina Mertens, 25*, Cedar Rapids, IA 18:51 6:04 3 2 W20 Alice Anderson, 28*, Marion, IA 19:01 6:07 13 2 M30 Matt Cook, 31, Marion, IA 19:02 6:08 14 6 M15 Dallas Lumpa, 16, Monticello, IA 19:08 6:09 15 2 JrM Jordan Loes, 13, Monticello, IA 19:22 6:14 16 7 M15 Nick Meyers, 15, Monticello, IA 19:23 6:14 17 2 M40 Pete Goedken, 40, Hiawatha, IA 19:24 6:14 18 8 M15 Jud Schneider, 19, Monticello, IA 19:30 6:16 19 9 M15 Colton McQuillen, 18, Monticello, IA 19:32 6:17 20 3 M30 Ryan Foley, 32, Dubuque, IA 19:35 6:18 21 3 M20 Geoff Stamp, 29, North Liberty, IA 19:37 6:19 22 3 M40 Murray Mente, 44, Tipton, IA 19:39 6:19 23 4 M20 Clayton Shotwell, 23, Cedar Rapids, IA 19:41 6:20 4 1 W30 Tammy Kallback, 31*, Dubuque, IA 19:42 6:20 24 4 M40 Mike Lambert, 40, Monticello, IA 19:51 6:23 25 5 M20 Brad Thies, 27, Dubuque, IA 19:58 6:26 26 10 M15 Cole Stuedemann, 15, Clinton, IA 20:07 6:28 27 4 M30 Matthew Fettkether, 33, Cedar Rapids, IA 20:16 6:31 28 5 M40 John Cook, 44, Dubuque, IA 20:19 6:32 29 6 M40 Mark Roseberry, 46, Center Point, IA 20:23 6:33 30 7 M40 Bennett Eastburn, 49, Monticello, IA 20:23 6:34 5 2 W30 Mindy Capron, 35*, Monticello, IA 20:44 6:40 31 6 M20 Tom Ries, 28, Monticello, IA 21:31 6:55 32 3 JrM DeArzae Fasnacht, 14, Monticello, IA 21:33 6:56 6 1 W15 Olivia Deitzel, 18*, Dickeyville, WI 21:34 6:56Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
33 11 M15 Scott Stoneking, 15, Monticello, IA 21:48 7:01 34 1 M60 Bob Strickland, 60, Marion, IA 21:53 7:02 35 4 JrM Jack McGreal, 14, Monticello, IA 21:59 7:04 36 12 M15 Jordan Barker, 15, Monticello, IA 22:01 7:05 37 5 M30 Scott Brighton, 36, Monticello, IA 22:18 7:11 7 3 W20 Kelli Johnson, 23*, Monticello, IA 22:18 7:11 38 6 M30 Travis Zywica, 34, Chicago, IL 22:22 7:12 8 1 JrW Rachel McDermott, 13*, Cascade, IA 22:25 7:13 9 2 W15 Kayla Kurt, 19*, Monticello, IA 22:28 7:14 39 7 M30 Travis Senters, 35, Monticello, IA 22:29 7:14 40 8 M40 Dave Postel, 44, Monticello, IA 22:33 7:15 41 5 JrM Ty Leibold, 14, Monticello, IA 22:41 7:18 10 2 JrW Kylie Kelchen, 13*, Cascade, IA 22:43 7:18 42 13 M15 Connor Olson, 18, Scotch Grove, IA 22:57 7:23 43 9 M40 Dave Meyers, 47, Monticello, IA 22:58 7:23 44 2 M50 Tom Loch, 53, Cedar Rapids, IA 23:06 7:26 45 8 M30 Todd Frisch, 38, Durant, IA 23:36 7:36 46 9 M30 Timothy Wiley, 30, Marion, IA 23:49 7:40 47 7 M20 James Ulstad, 24, Peoria, IL 23:50 7:40 11 3 W30 Becky Cooper, 38*, Monticello, IA 23:54 7:41 12 3 W15 Cassie Britt, 16*, Monticello, IA 24:04 7:45 13 4 W15 Kaitlyn Timm, 18*, Monticello, IA 24:13 7:48 14 5 W15 McKinzie Machart, 15*, Anamosa, IA 24:14 7:48 15 1 W40 Sheila McGreal, 47*, Monticello, IA 24:14 7:48 16 4 W20 Ashley Monk, 20*, Monticello, IA 24:15 7:48 17 6 W15 McKinzie Ludwig, 19*, Monticello, IA 24:17 7:49 18 4 W30 Amber Cook, 33*, Marion, IA 24:29 7:53 19 2 W40 Lisa Monk, 48*, Monticello, IA 24:30 7:53 20 5 W20 Chasity Miller, 27*, Ely, IA 24:31 7:53Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
48 6 JrM Ryan Holub, 13, Coggon, IA 24:54 8:01 21 5 W30 Donna Sauser, 37*, Monticello, IA 24:55 8:01 22 3 W40 Leann Herman, 44*, Monticello, IA 25:05 8:04 23 6 W30 Sherry Kelchen, 36*, Cascade, IA 25:07 8:05 49 3 M50 Pete Temple, 53, Monticello, IA 25:09 8:06 50 10 M30 Kory Helgens, 31, Marion, IA 25:17 8:08 51 10 M40 Tom Storey, 43, North Liberty, IA 25:19 8:09 52 7 JrM Connor Franzenbury, 12, Monticello, IA 25:27 8:11 53 11 M40 Joe McGreal, 46, Monticello, IA 25:32 8:13 24 3 JrW McKenna Kremer, 13*, Monticello, IA 25:40 8:16 25 4 W40 Diane Gray, 45*, Monticello, IA 25:42 8:16 54 12 M40 Brad Langhoff, 44, Marion, IA 25:46 8:18 26 5 W40 Denise Langhoff, 43*, Marion, IA 25:47 8:18 27 6 W40 Lisa Folken, 41*, Monticello, IA 26:00 8:22 28 7 W30 Renee Holub, 39*, Coggon, IA 26:00 8:22 55 8 JrM Khory Nobles, 10, Cedar Rapids, IA 26:02 8:22 56 11 M30 Stephen Fasnacht, 38, Monticello, IA 26:02 8:23 57 13 M40 Tim Koppes, 40, Monticello, IA 26:03 8:23 58 9 JrM Brandon Engelken, 10, Manchester, IA 26:03 8:23 59 14 M40 Doug Herman, 44, Monticello, IA 26:09 8:25 29 7 W15 Karly Donahue, 15*, Cedar Rapids, IA 26:22 8:29 30 7 W40 Sheila Machart, 41*, Anamosa, IA 26:23 8:29 60 12 M30 Tim Flynn, 36, Scotch Grove, IA 26:24 8:30 31 8 W30 Keri Boffeli, 32*, Monticello, IA 26:25 8:30 61 13 M30 Garett Hanken, 31, Monticello, IA 26:32 8:32 32 9 W30 Jenny Jesenovec, 31*, Monticello, IA 26:36 8:33 33 6 W20 Lindsey Weirich, 25*, Iowa City, IA 26:39 8:35 34 7 W20 Diane McElmeel, 29*, Monticello, IA 26:40 8:35 35 10 W30 Dianne Pedrin, 39*, Monticello, IA 26:46 8:37 36 11 W30 Sarah Andresen, 34*, Olin, IA 26:53 8:39 37 12 W30 Tara Brighton, 34*, Monticello, IA 26:53 8:39 38 8 W40 Roberta Ahlrichs, 46*, Anamosa, IA 26:54 8:39 39 4 JrW Samantha Clasen, 10*, Monticello, IA 26:55 8:40 62 15 M40 Tom Keleher, 48, Monticello, IA 26:57 8:40 40 13 W30 Shawn Pierce, 32*, West Branch, IA 27:01 8:42 41 8 W20 Molly Leytem, 28*, Anamosa, IA 27:05 8:43 42 14 W30 Jessica Seim, 30*, Cedar Rapids, IA 27:22 8:48 43 9 W20 Emily Russ, 25*, Monticello, IA 27:23 8:49 63 8 M20 Nick Kahler, 29, Monticello, IA 27:38 8:53 44 10 W20 Holly Zumbach, 25*, Monticello, IA 27:42 8:55 45 15 W30 Nadia Darget, 32*, North Liberty, IA 27:43 8:55 64 14 M15 Quinlin Summy, 16, Anamosa, IA 27:44 8:55 46 9 W40 Deb Meyers, 46*, Monticello, IA 27:45 8:56 65 14 M30 Dusty Cleeton, 34, Monticello, IA 27:49 8:57 47 16 W30 Val Meier, 32*, Cedar Rapids, IA 27:56 8:59 48 8 W15 Brooke Holub, 16*, Anamosa, IA 27:57 8:59Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
49 17 W30 Shaun Clasen, 33*, Monticello, IA 28:10 9:04 50 1 W50 Allison Heffern, 51*, Monticello, IA 28:11 9:04 51 11 W20 Liz Haulk, 24*, Prairieburg, IA 28:31 9:11 52 10 W40 Heather Meggers, 40*, Hiawatha, IA 28:38 9:13 53 2 W50 Dianna Rucker, 57*, Monticello, IA 29:10 9:23 54 3 W50 Deb Keating, 56*, Monticello, IA 29:22 9:27 66 15 M30 Todd Hospodarsky, 39, Monticello, IA 29:26 9:28 55 18 W30 Michelle Clark, 38*, Iowa City, IA 29:28 9:29 56 12 W20 MacKenzie Kahler, 27*, Monticello, IA 29:36 9:32 57 5 JrW Samantha Engelken, 13*, Manchester, IA 29:44 9:34 67 4 M50 Scott Snyder, 55, Monticello, IA 29:46 9:35 68 16 M40 Edward Green, 48, Anamosa, IA 29:47 9:35 58 19 W30 Toni Stumpf, 38*, Monticello, IA 29:50 9:36 59 11 W40 Andrea Eastburn, 43*, Marion, IA 30:27 9:48 60 20 W30 Angie Carver, 39*, Cedar Rapids, IA 30:32 9:49 61 6 JrW Leah Koppes, 12*, Monticello, IA 30:34 9:50 62 12 W40 Sherry Eastburn, 48*, Monticello, IA 30:41 9:52 63 21 W30 Jill Flynn, 34*, Scotch Grove, IA 30:46 9:54 69 16 M30 Matt Thompson, 31, Marion, IA 30:58 9:58Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
64 13 W20 Amanda Campbell, 27*, Cedar Rapids, IA 31:11 10:02 70 10 JrM Karter Donahue, 11, Cedar Rapids, IA 31:13 10:03 71 2 M60 Jim Meister, 67, Cedar Rapids, IA 31:13 10:03 65 22 W30 Courtney Senters, 34*, Monticello, IA 31:16 10:04 66 7 JrW Kaylee Stephen, 11*, Monticello, IA 31:39 10:11 67 8 JrW Paige Folken, 11*, Monticello, IA 31:41 10:12 72 17 M40 Jim Reinke, 43, Onslow, IA 31:41 10:12 68 4 W50 June Fellinger, 59*, Monticello, IA 32:07 10:20 69 13 W40 Rhonda Reinke, 44*, Onslow, IA 32:28 10:27 70 9 W15 Shelby Holub, 15*, Monticello, IA 32:45 10:32 71 23 W30 Carrie Manternach, 35*, Monticello, IA 32:47 10:33 72 14 W40 Carolyn Turnis, 44*, Hopkinton, IA 32:49 10:34 73 14 W20 Amanda Short, 24*, Marion, IA 33:04 10:38 74 24 W30 Megan Foxwell, 30*, Cedar Rapids, IA 33:12 10:41 75 25 W30 Kelly McAtee, 32*, Eldora, IA 33:15 10:42 73 17 M30 Nick Hull, 32, Owatonna, MN 33:30 10:47 76 26 W30 Dawn King, 33*, Monticello, IA 33:43 10:51Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
77 5 W50 Cynthia Bagge, 52*, Monticello, IA 34:26 11:05 74 11 JrM Sean Sauser, 12, Richmond, TX 34:31 11:06 75 18 M40 Jim Sauser, 43, Richmond, TX 34:42 11:10 78 27 W30 Jen Fasnacht, 38*, Monticello, IA 34:43 11:10 79 6 W50 Marie Krutzfield, 57*, Anamosa, IA 34:47 11:11 80 28 W30 Dawn Koppes, 37*, Monticello, IA 34:59 11:15 76 9 M20 Adam Heginger, 23, Monticello, IA 35:14 11:20 81 10 W15 Kaitlyn Sauser, 15*, Richmond, TX 36:21 11:42 82 11 W15 Cassie Green, 15*, Anamosa, IA 36:45 11:50 83 29 W30 Kris Kremer, 39*, Monticello, IA 37:14 11:59Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
77 3 M60 John Williams, 61, Monticello, IA 37:37 12:06 84 15 W40 Kimberly Sauser, 42*, Richmond, TX 39:04 12:34 85 30 W30 Diane Temple, 39*, Monticello, IA 40:13 12:56Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
78 10 M20 Bryant Barnette, 21, Monticello, IA 41:12 13:16 79 4 M60 Joe Ihn, 80, Guttenburg, IA 41:22 13:19Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
86 1 W60 Jean Marie Hall, 71*, Elkader, IA 44:46 14:24 80 5 M60 Jon Sauser, 67, Monticello, IA 44:52 14:26 81 6 M60 Don Tapken, 65, Monticello, IA 45:44 14:43Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
87 7 W50 Gayle Stingley, 54*, Monticello, IA 46:39 15:01 82 5 M50 Kevin Stingley, 59, Monticello, IA 49:30 15:56 88 2 W60 Linda Sauser, 66*, Monticello, IA 49:32 15:56Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
83 18 M30 Ben Bruggeman, 34, Monticello, IA 49:55 16:04 89 31 W30 Jennifer Harmon, 35*, Monticello, IA 51:05 16:26 90 8 W50 Pat Slater, 54*, Olin, IA 51:06 16:27 91 32 W30 Tina Clemmons, 30*, Monticello, IA 52:27 16:53Pace: 5:00 | 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | 12:00 | 13:00 | 14:00 | Top
92 9 W50 Teresa Clemmons, 54*, Monticello, IA 56:35 18:12 93 15 W20 Kara Gile, 26*, Onslow, IA 56:36 18:13 94 10 W50 Nancy Gile, 59*, Onslow, IA 56:54 18:19 * indicates females 2 finishers among Males (no age given) 11 finishers among Men 14 & Under 14 finishers among Men 15 - 19 10 finishers among Men 20 - 29 18 finishers among Men 30 - 39 18 finishers among Men 40 - 49 5 finishers among Men 50 - 59 6 finishers among Men 60 & Up 8 finishers among Women 14 & Under 11 finishers among Women 15 - 19 15 finishers among Women 20 - 29 32 finishers among Women 30 - 39 15 finishers among Women 40 - 49 10 finishers among Women 50 - 59 2 finishers among Women 60 & Up 84 male finishers 93 female finishers 177 total finishers