MCCPTA Delegates Assembly

September 27, 2005

Carver Educational Services Center


Business Meeting


MCCPTA Committee Fair:

From 7 PM to 7:30 PM prior to the business meeting a committee fair was held.


Opening Business:

Presentation of the Colors: Gaithersburg High School ROTC led by MSgt. Beatty, USMC Retired

Pledge of Allegiance: Sharon St. Pierre

PTA Mission: Juan Johnson

Call to Order: President Cindy Kerr called the meeting to order at 7:35 PM. She asked for a moment of silence for the families and those communities involved in the recent violent events in Montgomery County.


Cindy Kerr’s opening remarks included references to the recent violence that has occurred in the community and MCCPTA’s response. She was in contact with: County Executive, Doug Duncan; Chief of the Montgomery County Police, Tom Manger; President of the County Council, Steve Silverman; and Superintendent of Montgomery County Public Schools, Dr Jerry Weast to discuss the roles that parents can take to protect our children in the community. Our October Delegate Assembly program will focus on bullying and gangs.

Our advocacy priorities that are posted on the walls this evening are based upon the visits that the officers made throughout the county this summer aided by area vice presidents, cluster coordinators and PTA leaders. The advocacy points in italics are the areas that are new compared to last year’s list. Please indicate your top priorities tonight, if known, with the dots from your packet, or if not discuss it with your locals and come back at the October meeting to indicate them. We have included sticky notes, too for comments. In November we will have a business only meeting and make a focus list based upon your feedback. We use the advocacy priorities for testimonies and throughout the year to support MCCPTA.

 The delegates represent 179 local PTAs. Each local PTA is allowed two delegates and the PTA president is also considered a delegate. The MCCPTA officers want to work cooperatively with you. Cindy summarized the role of the president. Her role is to represent MCCPTA and always represent children. She has no personal opinion or voice in her role as MCCPTA president. The officers introduced themselves to the delegates. Cindy explained how they work with the executive board of elected members. The executive board is area vice presidents, cluster coordinators and committee chairs. She went on to clarify that the question of the ability of the executive board to act in between meetings of the delegates was brought to the MD PTA. MD PTA confirmed that the executive board can act in between meetings (for example, summer) if it acts in the name of the executive board only. An action originated in the delegate assembly becomes an action of MCCPTA as an organization. 

Cindy gave a brief personal description including her opinion of the list serv, family background, PTA experience and that she is an employee of MCPS. She does not belong to the union. It’s important for you to know my experience, where I come from and my comfort level with advocacy. Cindy’s position as elected, and her charge, is to work cooperatively with MCPS, the county council and the state legislators to promote the work of MCCPTA. Cindy was elected to be a part of the MD PTA, too. MCCPTA is the largest council in MD PTA. Cindy is trying to increase our presence and the influence of Montgomery County in MD PTA. She is on the executive board of MD PTA. She attended the National PTA convention this summer. The strength of our organization is 

discussion, consensus and bringing the locals together. Cindy wanted us to understand how we make the decisions that we do.


Nominating Committee:    Election of Treasurer

Last year’s treasurer resigned in the spring. Jane de Winter became acting treasurer. She was also the chair of the nominating committee and that committee brought Juan Johnson’s name to the executive board. Juan Johnson became interim treasurer as of July 1 based upon executive board action taken at the June 2, 2005 executive board meeting.

Jane de Winter made a motion on behalf of the nominating committee to nominate Juan Johnson to become the MCCPTA treasurer. Vicki Rafel seconded the motion. No additional nominations were made from the floor and Juan Johnson was elected treasurer by a voice vote.


Approval of Minutes:

The minutes from the April 26, 2005 delegate’s assembly were reviewed and stand approved as written.


Treasurer’s Report:           Presentation of Budget for Approval

Juan Johnson presented for filing the treasurer’s report and statement of cash flows for July 1 through September 27, 2005, and the balance sheet as of September 27, 2005. Based upon these he showed the delegates the proposed 2005-2006 budget which includes total income of $ 51,200; total expenses of $64,600; net profit(loss) of $13,400; carry forward of $17,764 (not including $25,000 insurance premium reserve) and projected cash on hand by June 30, 2006 of $4,364. When the budget is approved it will become official. It isn’t included in the delegate packet until after approval. It is a short budget based upon Juan’s conversations with and recommendations of MD PTA.

Juan Johnson made a motion to approve the budget as presented. The motion was seconded and passed on a voice vote.

The treasurer’s report will be filed for audit.


President’s Report:

Please consider bringing as many members in as possible. That is one way to look for new leaders. Delegates were asked to look in their packets as Cindy reviewed the reminders included in them, such as committees, trainings, and the “Three for Me” program. Future mailings will be sent through the pony in the name of the delegate to the president to your school to save on postage costs. We’ll post electronically, too, on the bulletin. Please give us feedback on this system.

MCCPTA will be doing bylaws. There is a bylaws committee meeting on October 6 and we will be bringing them to you for your approval. The bylaws chair, Vicki Rafel, gave a summary of her committee’s actions to date. (See business items below.)

There was a work group put together by MCPS to focus on the new concept high school proposed by Dr. Weast. MCCPTA was contacted “late in the game” and we only had three parents serve in this group. The concept high school involves six overcrowded clusters – Gaithersburg, Wootton, Churchill, Magruder, Quince Orchard and Northwest. Weast is proposing recommendations and a choice program instead of redoing boundaries. It poses a host of questions. We had one summer meeting with the clusters and MCPS. We will be working with the CIP chairs and keep you up to date.

Cindy also worked on policy ABA – parent and community involvement. It has not been released to the public, yet. As soon as it is we will bring it to you.

The steering committee for middle school reform is working and will be very active. Shirley Brandman and Juan Johnson serve on this committee.

We still have parents, like Shirley Brandman, working on grading and reporting.


MCPS wants us to work with them in a work group on Baldridge. MCPS has signed a commitment to the unions to work in a climate of respect and is offering us that same respect and want us to work with them on this and the parent  involvement piece of the strategic plan.

Dates to remember: October 5 MCPS is involved in a US Supreme Court case brought by a special education parent against the system regarding burden of proof. There will be parents meeting at the court I opposition to this passing.

October 1 is MCCPTA training, October 6 is a bylaws committee meeting and community forum, October 27 CIP forum and in November the MD PTA convention.

We’ll send everything out in a written form. Cindy answered a question from Dana Wilson from Cresthaven Elementary School regarding the cost for the presidents and principals’ dinner. Ted Willard added that the dinner is budget neutral because tickets are sold.


Committee Reports:

CIP – Policy FAA Update/CIP Testimony:

Marney Jacobs, CIP co-chair thanked those who wrote to the county council re: the Spending affordability guidelines. The county council approved the spending affordability. Continue to contact them, please.

Operating Budget: Jane de Winter said that the last MCPS operating budget forum is Thursday, October 6 from 7 to 9:30 PM at Northwest High School. It’s one of the most important things that you can do to advocate for your PTA. Two priorities at the forums have been community outreach to non-English speaking parents and middle school. NO facility issues have been brought up. Please attend.

Vacancy in Spotlight Committee Chair


Business Items:

Update on MCCPTA Bylaw renewal:

Bylaws Chair, Vicki Rafel stated that every non-profit is required by the IRS to regularly review their bylaws. MD PTA has a new format for council bylaws with a few changes. The bylaws committee welcomes others to join them at their four meetings over the next month. They will bring a draft to the executive board meeting probably in November; the delegates will receive it at the November meeting. You’ll have time to look over them and then we will vote on it at the January delegate’s assembly. Following the vote we will submit it to MD PTA. Until that time we are operating under the current bylaws found in the “blue book” and on the MCCPTA website.


Presentation of Executive Board Summer Resolutions/Motions:

Directory Resolution

This summer the executive board passed a resolution in the name of the executive board in response to outside use of school directories piloting the sex education curriculum by an organization opposed to it. (It was shown to the delegates on the overhead.)  A pro bono attorney came back and we made changes to the resolution and we will be sending this to the CRC asking them to cease and desist from using our directories without permission. Suggested language was sent to you that you can use on your directories to stop outside organizations from using directories for mass mailings. Our blue book will use it.

A question was raised about the opt out form. What does the disclaimer do to control who gets it? We can’t control individuals. It controls organizations that don’t come to the locals.


FAA Work Group Resolution:

Our stand on Policy FAA (long range facility planning) was ignored, but we have been asked to come to the table and work on the resolutions. Jane de Winter’s resolution from the June 2 executive board meeting that passed and was shown to the delegates on the overhead. MCPS put together a work group of which ten positions were allocated for MCCPTA representatives of the total sixteen to twenty community and organization positions. A resolution at the September executive board meeting asked that we put together a work group. Our Area Vice presidents serve as representatives. MCPS will move forward with FAA regardless and write regulations. The executive board wanted participation, so we voted to participate so we could send back reports to the executive board and delegates. We still have the opportunity to write a minority report if we choose.  Jane de Winter gave a summary of her resolution. The other action in response to that we added that we would work cooperatively with MCPS through our area vice presidents. If delegates want to participate they can contact their area vice president. This will be in the pony and put out electronically for you to look at and we’ll report back at the October meeting after we have had our first meeting with this group and have more information.


Motion to Add a May Delegates Assembly:

We’ll discuss the motion from the executive board this summer to have a May delegate assembly at our next meeting.


No new business, motions or resolutions were presented by delegates tonight.



The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 PM. It was followed by a program of meet and greet with MCPS staff.


MCCPTA Delegates Assembly

September 27, 2005

Carver Educational Services Center




Meet and Greet:

Superintendent, Dr. Jerry D. Weast, Montgomery County Board of Education Vice President Dr. Charles Haughey and MCPS staff


MCPS staff in attendance:

George Margolies – Board of Education Staff Director

Frieda Lacey – Deputy Superintendent of Schools

John Q. Porter – Deputy Superintendent of Strategic Technologies and Accountability

Brian Porter – Office of the Chief of Staff

Don Kress – Chief School Performance Officer

Bruce Crispell – Director, Division of Long-range Planning

Steve Bedford – Community Superintendent - Blair/Einstein/Kennedy/Northwood

LaVerne Kimball – Community Superintendent - NW/Poolesville/Quince   

        Orchard/Seneca Valley

Aggie Alvez – Director, Department of Communications and Public Information

Brian Edwards – Director of Public Information Office

Frank Stetson – Community Superintendent - BCC/WJ/Wheaton/Whitman


Carey Wright – Associate Superintendent, Special Education and Student Services

Jody Leleck – Associate Superintendent, Curriculum and Instructional Programs

Karen Woodson - Director, Division of ESOL/Bilingual Programs

Lois Wions – Program SupervisorESOL Instruction

Faith Connolly –Director, Department of Shared Accountability

Vickie Strange – Director, Department of Special Education

Gwendolyn Mason – Director, Department of Special Education

Betty Collins – Director, Staff Development and Initiatives

Mark Kelsch – Community Superintendent - Churchill/RM/Rockville/Wootton

Kevin Maxwell Community Superintendent-Damascus/Gaithersburg/Magruder/Watkins


Ida Lou Polcari - Acting Community Superintendent - Blake/Paint                                                                     Branch/Springbrook/Sherwood

Ed Clark – Director, Department of School Safety and Security

Marshall Spatz – Director, Department of Management, Budget and Planning

Erick Lang – Director, Department of Enriched and Innovative Programs

Betsy Brown – Director, Department of Curriculum and Instruction

Jane Butler – Director, Family and community Partnerships Unit

Carol Blum – Director, High School Instruction

Linda Ferrell – Director, Middle School Instruction

Janice Fadden Director, Elementary School Instruction