Solon Spartan Invitational JV Boys - 5K
Solon, IA
Sep. 17, 2012
Sunny & 52, Wind NNW 10-15
Results by Kauder Racing
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PLACE TEAM POINTS PLACES OF FINISHERS AVG. TIME SPREAD 1 City High 19 1 2 3 4 9 10 17 18:11 0:38 2 Solon 55 5 7 8 16 19 20 21 18:48 1:05 3 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 69 6 11 12 18 22 28 30 18:58 1:22 4 Northeast 123 13 23 26 29 32 33 43 19:46 1:36 5 Central Clinton-DeWit 151 14 27 31 39 40 41 42 20:14 1:49 6 Clear Creek-Amana 156 24 25 34 36 37 44 46 20:17 0:49 7 Tipton 180 15 35 38 45 47 48 49 20:50 3:04 8 West Liberty 260 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 24:40 2:13 Incomplete Teams: Williamsburg Individuals PLACE FINISHER TIME PACE 1. City High 1 Zach Coleman, 11 17:55 5:46 2 Drew Abrams, 11 18:02 5:48 3 Jens Dancer, 10 18:12 5:51 4 Joseph Arch, 11 18:13 5:51 9 Josef Aumueller, 12 18:33 5:58 10 Talbot Morris-Downing, 11 18:33 5:58 17 Luis Rangel, 11 19:18 6:12 Total Time = 90:51 Total Places = 19 2. Solon 5 Matt Reiland, 12 18:21 5:54 7 Ty Appleget, 10 18:28 5:57 8 Josh Prybil, 10 18:29 5:57 16 Ryan Kunkel, 12 19:16 6:12 19 Simon Duster, 9 19:25 6:15 20 David Coberly, 11 19:35 6:18 21 Jake Singkofer, 10 19:35 6:18 Total Time = 93:58 Total Places = 55 3. Mount Vernon-Lisbon 6 Nolan Teubel, 9 18:27 5:56 11 Jake Leopold, 11 18:35 5:59 12 Benjamin Gilbert, 10 18:40 6:00 18 Tanner Mote, 12 19:18 6:13 22 Reid Smock, 9 19:48 6:22 28 Kai Walberg, 9 19:57 6:25 30 Jacob Feldman, 9 20:12 6:30 Total Time = 94:46 Total Places = 69 4. Northeast 13 jaden butler, 9 18:41 6:01 23 colton galusha, 9 19:52 6:23 26 bo lingle, 12 19:56 6:25 29 tanner near, 9 20:06 6:28 32 steven flesch, 11 20:17 6:32 33 tyler schoon, 11 20:19 6:32 43 blake dierks, 10 20:58 6:45 Total Time = 98:50 Total Places = 123 5. Central Clinton-DeWit 14 Nick Woodford, 12 19:07 6:09 27 Aaron Anderson, 11 19:56 6:25 31 Mathew Townsley, 9 20:16 6:31 39 Cameron O'Neil, 12 20:55 6:44 40 Christian Wright, 11 20:56 6:44 41 Peter Keegan, 11 20:56 6:44 42 Colin Duffy, 9 20:57 6:44 Total Time = 101:09 Total Places = 151 6. Clear Creek-Amana 24 Daniel Brechtel, 10 19:53 6:24 25 Curran Beckler, 12 19:53 6:24 34 Jake Tener, 9 20:23 6:33 36 Austin Smith, 10 20:34 6:37 37 Kage Hinrichs, 9 20:41 6:39 44 Dylan Wolfe, 10 21:11 6:49 46 Chad Keitel, 9 21:37 6:57 Total Time = 101:21 Total Places = 156 7. Tipton 15 Nathan Laing, 12 19:08 6:09 35 Cole Wehde, 10 20:32 6:36 38 Dan Charette, 11 20:52 6:43 45 Jason Rohlf, 9 21:24 6:53 47 Tyler Hatland, 11 22:12 7:09 48 Travis Wood, 9 22:52 7:22 49 Jesse Baranek, 11 22:56 7:23 Total Time = 104:07 Total Places = 180 8. West Liberty 50 Austin Goodard, 9 23:13 7:28 51 Marco Tena, 9 24:47 7:58 52 Jp Gomez, 11 24:58 8:02 53 Juan Malagon, 9 24:58 8:02 54 Tom Hinz, 12 25:25 8:11 55 Ross Brown, 9 25:41 8:16 56 Hector Martinez, 10 27:17 8:47 Total Time = 123:19 Total Places = 260 TEAM PLACE SCORE FINISHER TIME PACE TEAM TopReturn to home page.1 1 Zach Coleman, 11 17:55 5:46 City High 2 2 Drew Abrams, 11 18:02 5:48 City High 3 3 Jens Dancer, 10 18:12 5:51 City High 4 4 Joseph Arch, 11 18:13 5:51 City High 5 5 Matt Reiland, 12 18:21 5:54 Solon 6 6 Nolan Teubel, 9 18:27 5:56 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 7 7 Ty Appleget, 10 18:28 5:57 Solon 8 8 Josh Prybil, 10 18:29 5:57 Solon 9 9 Josef Aumueller, 12 18:33 5:58 City High 10 10 Talbot Morris-Downing, 11 18:33 5:58 City High 11 Cole Williamson, 11 18:34 5:58 Williamsburg 12 11 Jake Leopold, 11 18:35 5:59 Mount Vernon-Lisbon
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
13 12 Benjamin Gilbert, 10 18:40 6:00 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 14 13 jaden butler, 9 18:41 6:01 Northeast 15 14 Nick Woodford, 12 19:07 6:09 Central Clinton-DeWit 16 15 Nathan Laing, 12 19:08 6:09 Tipton 17 16 Ryan Kunkel, 12 19:16 6:12 Solon 18 17 Luis Rangel, 11 19:18 6:12 City High 19 18 Tanner Mote, 12 19:18 6:13 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 20 Ethan Vermace, 11 19:22 6:14 City High 21 Miguel Guiterrez, 11 19:25 6:15 City High 22 19 Simon Duster, 9 19:25 6:15 Solon 23 Nick McNabb, 9 19:28 6:16 City High 24 Aaron Neesler, 12 19:32 6:17 City High 25 20 David Coberly, 11 19:35 6:18 Solon 26 21 Jake Singkofer, 10 19:35 6:18 Solon 27 Daniel Kelly, 9 19:41 6:20 City High 28 Grayson Harrington, 12 19:45 6:21 Solon 29 Ethan Glenn, 12 19:46 6:22 City High 30 22 Reid Smock, 9 19:48 6:22 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 31 Harris Seabold, 9 19:48 6:22 City High 32 Damon Coghill-Beherends, 10 19:51 6:23 City High 33 23 colton galusha, 9 19:52 6:23 Northeast 34 24 Daniel Brechtel, 10 19:53 6:24 Clear Creek-Amana 35 25 Curran Beckler, 12 19:53 6:24 Clear Creek-Amana 36 Lucas Froeschner, 10 19:54 6:24 City High 37 26 bo lingle, 12 19:56 6:25 Northeast 38 27 Aaron Anderson, 11 19:56 6:25 Central Clinton-DeWit 39 28 Kai Walberg, 9 19:57 6:25 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 40 Anirudh Parandkar, 9 19:58 6:25 City High 41 Joe Regan, 9 20:00 6:26 Solon 42 29 tanner near, 9 20:06 6:28 Northeast 43 30 Jacob Feldman, 9 20:12 6:30 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 44 31 Mathew Townsley, 9 20:16 6:31 Central Clinton-DeWit 45 32 steven flesch, 11 20:17 6:32 Northeast 46 33 tyler schoon, 11 20:19 6:32 Northeast 47 Austin Hunt, 11 20:20 6:33 Solon 48 Dylan Miller, 9 20:22 6:33 Williamsburg 49 34 Jake Tener, 9 20:23 6:33 Clear Creek-Amana 50 Josh Zollinger, 10 20:24 6:34 Williamsburg 51 Isaac Villhauer, 10 20:27 6:35 City High 52 Charlie Bootsmiller, 11 20:29 6:35 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 53 35 Cole Wehde, 10 20:32 6:36 Tipton 54 36 Austin Smith, 10 20:34 6:37 Clear Creek-Amana 55 Hagen Opitz, 9 20:35 6:37 City High 56 37 Kage Hinrichs, 9 20:41 6:39 Clear Creek-Amana 57 Jake Schaeckenbach, 9 20:41 6:39 Solon 58 Joe Timm, 9 20:42 6:40 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 59 Kai Clemons, 9 20:46 6:41 City High 60 Jaden Durr, 11 20:47 6:41 Solon 61 Josh Englebrecht, 9 20:48 6:41 City High 62 Banny Burian, 11 20:48 6:42 City High 63 38 Dan Charette, 11 20:52 6:43 Tipton 64 Jeremy Stoner, 11 20:54 6:43 Williamsburg 65 39 Cameron O'Neil, 12 20:55 6:44 Central Clinton-DeWit 66 40 Christian Wright, 11 20:56 6:44 Central Clinton-DeWit 67 41 Peter Keegan, 11 20:56 6:44 Central Clinton-DeWit 68 42 Colin Duffy, 9 20:57 6:44 Central Clinton-DeWit 69 43 blake dierks, 10 20:58 6:45 Northeast 70 Luke Milefchik, 10 20:58 6:45 City High 71 Ryan Davison, 10 21:04 6:47 Central Clinton-DeWit 72 Elliot Arensdorf, 9 21:06 6:47 Central Clinton-DeWit 73 44 Dylan Wolfe, 10 21:11 6:49 Clear Creek-Amana 74 kyle bradford, 9 21:12 6:49 City High 75 Seth Weirup, 10 21:22 6:52 Central Clinton-DeWit 76 Nick Mendoza, 9 21:23 6:53 City High 77 Chris Nguyen, 12 21:24 6:53 City High 78 45 Jason Rohlf, 9 21:24 6:53 Tipton 79 Micky Adams, 10 21:24 6:53 Solon 80 Connor Fitzpatrick, 12 21:28 6:54 Solon 81 Walker Sea, 9 21:28 6:54 Solon 82 Dillon Drake, 9 21:30 6:55 Solon 83 Levi Wade, 9 21:31 6:55 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 84 Michael Cimino, 11 21:33 6:56 Central Clinton-DeWit 85 Jordan Ingram, 12 21:36 6:57 City High 86 46 Chad Keitel, 9 21:37 6:57 Clear Creek-Amana 87 zach hamilton, 9 21:39 6:58 Northeast 88 Hunter Ilg, 12 21:43 6:59 Central Clinton-DeWitPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
89 Caleb Keegan, 9 21:46 7:00 Central Clinton-DeWit 90 Logan Flack, 9 21:51 7:02 Central Clinton-DeWit 91 Evan Hightshoe, 10 21:51 7:02 City High 92 Cooper Secrest-Seelman, 9 21:52 7:02 Clear Creek-Amana 93 gabe empen, 9 21:54 7:03 Northeast 94 Nic Jarvis, 9 21:56 7:03 City High 95 Myles Young, 9 21:59 7:04 Solon 96 Christain Torres, 11 22:02 7:05 City High 97 Chris Winegarden, 9 22:04 7:06 City High 98 Eric Green, 9 22:04 7:06 City High 99 Anthony Pocasangre, 10 22:08 7:07 Clear Creek-Amana 100 Isaiah Exley-Schuman, 9 22:09 7:08 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 101 47 Tyler Hatland, 11 22:12 7:09 Tipton 102 Joseph Ward, 10 22:14 7:09 City High 103 Keegan O'Berry, 9 22:30 7:14 City High 104 Zach Kenyon, 9 22:32 7:15 City High 105 Nicolai Gibbens, 11 22:34 7:16 City High 106 Sam English, 11 22:34 7:16 City High 107 Charlie Jedlicka, 11 22:35 7:16 Solon 108 48 Travis Wood, 9 22:52 7:22 Tipton 109 49 Jesse Baranek, 11 22:56 7:23 Tipton 110 50 Austin Goodard, 9 23:13 7:28 West Liberty 111 Hunter Thompson, 9 23:22 7:31 Solon 112 Hunter Gehrke, 9 23:28 7:33 Solon 113 Mitch Wilson, 12 23:33 7:35 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 114 Isaac Lui, 11 23:35 7:35 City High 115 Joe Crooks, 10 23:46 7:39 City High 116 Jack Crooks, 9 24:01 7:44 City High 117 Nathan Goodman, 9 24:07 7:46 City High 118 quinten schroeder, 9 24:23 7:51 Northeast 119 Nat Klein, 11 24:31 7:53 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 120 Alek Comstock, 9 24:34 7:54 Tipton 121 Mark Gomez, 11 24:35 7:55 City High 122 51 Marco Tena, 9 24:47 7:58 West Liberty 123 Evan Banks, 10 24:49 7:59 City HighPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
124 Tristin Gingerich-Feil, 11 24:53 8:00 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 125 52 Jp Gomez, 11 24:58 8:02 West Liberty 126 53 Juan Malagon, 9 24:58 8:02 West Liberty 127 Preston Miller, 10 25:15 8:08 Solon 128 Zach Bainbridge, 9 25:17 8:08 Clear Creek-Amana 129 Trevor Thurn, 10 25:23 8:10 Clear Creek-Amana 130 54 Tom Hinz, 12 25:25 8:11 West Liberty 131 Raiden Takeuchi, 10 25:30 8:12 Solon 132 55 Ross Brown, 9 25:41 8:16 West Liberty 133 Hunter Rogers, 9 25:42 8:16 Clear Creek-Amana 134 Josh Meade, 9 26:50 8:38 Clear Creek-Amana 135 Colton Williams, 9 26:59 8:41 Clear Creek-Amana 136 James Cannon, 9 27:04 8:42 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 137 Nick Johnson, 11 27:16 8:47 Mount Vernon-Lisbon 138 56 Hector Martinez, 10 27:17 8:47 West LibertyPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
139 tanner dell, 9 30:47 9:54 NortheastPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
140 Cherif Longou, 9 31:55 10:16 Solon 141 Jon Rehnke, 9 33:54 10:55 SolonPace: 6:00 | 7:00 | 8:00 | 9:00 | 10:00 | 11:00 | Top
142 Gerardo Alvarez, 11 35:24 11:24 West Liberty