Eastern Iowa Classic Fr/So Boys - 5K

Noelridge Park, Cedar Rapids, IA

Sep. 24, 2009

Results by Kauder Racing

Click on the "pace" links to move about through the results. Use the Find option of your Web Browser to find the performance of a specific individual or team.


  1 City High               20   2   3   4   5   6            18:44    0:22
  2 Clinton                 37   1   7   8  10  11  14  15    19:56    2:42
  3 Regina                  67   9  12  13  16  17  18        21:46    3:21

Incomplete Teams: Cedar Rapids Kennedy, Cedar Rapids Washingt, Dubuque Hempstead
Wahlert, Xavier
 PLACE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE

1. City High
    2  bobby razavi, 10           18:30    5:58
    3  ben holzhammer, 9          18:40    6:01
    4  nate ryan, 10              18:46    6:03
    5  hugh ritter, 9             18:51    6:05
    6  ben peters, 9              18:52    6:05
Total Time = 93:38     Total Places = 20

2. Clinton
    1  Emanuel Marcos-Teles, 9    18:06    5:50
    7  Jesse Scheeberger, 10      19:58    6:26
    8  Matt Boyd, 10              20:15    6:32
   10  Jared Cannon, 10           20:32    6:37
   11  Marquis Estrada, 9         20:47    6:42
   14  Jason Banker, 9            21:32    6:56
   15  Nolan Kenny, 9             21:32    6:57
Total Time = 99:36     Total Places = 37

3. Regina
    9  Eoghan Hartley, 10         20:28    6:36
   12  Nathan Shank, 9            21:12    6:50
   13  Ryan Hanrahan, 10          21:23    6:54
   16  David Rudoph, 10           21:59    7:05
   17  Chris Stauffer, 10         23:49    7:41
   18  Michael Robinson, 9        24:09    7:47
Total Time = 108:49     Total Places = 67
 PLACE SCORE          FINISHER          TIME     PACE        TEAM         


1 Joe Berry, 9 17:58 5:48 Cedar Rapids Washingt 2 1 Emanuel Marcos-Teles, 9 18:06 5:50 Clinton 3 2 bobby razavi, 10 18:30 5:58 City High

Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | Top

4 3 ben holzhammer, 9 18:40 6:01 City High 5 4 nate ryan, 10 18:46 6:03 City High 6 5 hugh ritter, 9 18:51 6:05 City High 7 6 ben peters, 9 18:52 6:05 City High 8 John Herber, 10 19:00 6:08 Wahlert 9 Steven Fitzpatrick, 10 19:02 6:08 Wahlert 10 Grant Hunt, 9 19:13 6:12 Xavier 11 jacob simmons, 9 19:15 6:12 City High 12 Tom Werner, 9 19:16 6:13 Cedar Rapids Washingt 13 Max Flynn, 10 19:16 6:13 Wahlert 14 Evan Hartig, 9 19:19 6:14 Wahlert 15 Seth Kirkegaard, 10 19:21 6:14 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 16 Matt Wittman, 9 19:25 6:16 Cedar Rapids Washingt 17 michael gloer, 9 19:32 6:18 City High 18 Eric Herbst, 10 19:40 6:20 Wahlert 19 Connor Marks, 10 19:43 6:21 Xavier 20 Devin Dills, 9 19:44 6:22 Cedar Rapids Washingt 21 Jacob Kobusch, 10 19:49 6:23 Wahlert 22 Joey Ottavi, 10 19:50 6:24 Wahlert 23 Zack Freund, 9 19:53 6:25 Dubuque Hempstead 24 7 Jesse Scheeberger, 10 19:58 6:26 Clinton 25 mohamed traore, 9 20:05 6:29 City High 26 Daniel Pape, 9 20:14 6:31 Xavier 27 8 Matt Boyd, 10 20:15 6:32 Clinton 28 Adam Grobstich, 9 20:18 6:33 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 29 andrew gomez, 10 20:24 6:35 City High 30 Zach Stovie, 10 20:25 6:35 Xavier 31 connor graves, 9 20:26 6:35 City High 32 Andrew Cook, 9 20:27 6:36 Cedar Rapids Washingt 33 Shawn Sullivan, 10 20:27 6:36 Wahlert 34 9 Eoghan Hartley, 10 20:28 6:36 Regina 35 10 Jared Cannon, 10 20:32 6:37 Clinton 36 harris thompson, 9 20:36 6:38 City High 37 joey vazquez, 9 20:36 6:39 City High 38 Trace Colby, 9 20:39 6:40 Xavier 39 david maize, 9 20:40 6:40 City High 40 11 Marquis Estrada, 9 20:47 6:42 Clinton 41 Gabe Hall, 10 20:47 6:42 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 42 Chandler Heisler, 9 20:57 6:45 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 43 Quinn Meyer, 9 20:58 6:46 Wahlert 44 sam hoelscher, 10 21:03 6:47 City High 45 alex ledger, 9 21:04 6:48 City High 46 Kyle Schroeder, 10 21:06 6:48 Dubuque Hempstead 47 Grant Batterson, 10 21:10 6:49 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 48 Zach Neyens, 10 21:11 6:50 Wahlert 49 12 Nathan Shank, 9 21:12 6:50 Regina 50 Hunter Wille, 9 21:14 6:51 Xavier 51 13 Ryan Hanrahan, 10 21:23 6:54 Regina 52 J J. Breitfelder, 9 21:27 6:55 Dubuque Hempstead 53 Ryan Rodriquez, 10 21:27 6:55 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 54 sam fosse, 10 21:28 6:55 City High 55 cano jordan, 9 21:29 6:56 City High 56 John Jantzen, 9 21:29 6:56 Xavier 57 14 Jason Banker, 9 21:32 6:56 Clinton 58 15 Nolan Kenny, 9 21:32 6:57 Clinton 59 Adam Goldberg, 9 21:35 6:58 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 60 Austin Wilson, 10 21:35 6:58 Cedar Rapids Kennedy
Pace: 6:00 | 7:00 | Top

61 Robert Burton, 9 21:41 7:00 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 62 Jon Rockwell, 9 21:46 7:01 Cedar Rapids Washingt 63 Michael Ongie, 10 21:47 7:01 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 64 Griffin Uthe, 9 21:50 7:03 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 65 Adam Vandervaart, 9 21:57 7:05 Cedar Rapids Washingt 66 Brian Mockler, 9 21:59 7:05 Wahlert 67 16 David Rudoph, 10 21:59 7:05 Regina 68 Alex Habel, 10 21:59 7:05 Dubuque Hempstead 69 Paul Bradford, 10 22:10 7:09 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 70 Alex Latteyer, 9 22:11 7:09 Xavier 71 Taylor Moss, 9 22:16 7:11 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 72 Dillon Stuckenschneider, 9 22:19 7:12 Cedar Rapids Washingt 73 Gradoville Brandon, 9 22:23 7:13 Xavier 74 Caleb Lloyd, 9 22:28 7:15 Xavier 75 Zach Russell, 9 22:31 7:16 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 76 Brandon Feldman, 10 22:52 7:22 Dubuque Hempstead 77 James Bradford, 10 22:54 7:23 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 78 Nicolas Corbett, 9 22:57 7:24 Cedar Rapids Washingt 79 Cordell Arndt, 9 23:12 7:29 Cedar Rapids Washingt 80 Seth Dunne, 9 23:14 7:30 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 81 Stefan Nutt, 10 23:23 7:32 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 82 Jamie Potter, 10 23:37 7:37 Cedar Rapids Kennedy 83 Thomas Meyer, 9 23:42 7:39 Dubuque Hempstead 84 ryan o'malley, 9 23:45 7:39 City High 85 17 Chris Stauffer, 10 23:49 7:41 Regina 86 Justin Caston, 9 23:50 7:41 Cedar Rapids Washingt 87 Konnor Trevallion, 9 23:52 7:42 Cedar Rapids Washingt 88 Dillon Dean, 9 23:59 7:44 Dubuque Hempstead 89 Nick Stevenson, 10 24:06 7:46 Dubuque Hempstead 90 Evan Freitager, 10 24:08 7:47 Xavier 91 18 Michael Robinson, 9 24:09 7:47 Regina 92 chris nguyen, 9 24:09 7:47 City High 93 Michael Clapp, 9 24:10 7:48 Regina 94 Mark Dyken, 9 24:26 7:53 Regina 95 asaju walker, 10 24:26 7:53 City High
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