Helping Your Child Through A First Crush Or Heart Break

Parents may be surprised to find out that most child experts indicated that children have a first crush within their first year of school, or typically between the ages of five and seven.

However, these crushes are not the same as the infatuation of older children or adults, rather they are an extension of the connection and caring the child has exhibited with members of the family. As they interact with other children in daycare or school, they often feel very connected to another child, and they may feel a strong connection with that other child that is not reciprocated.

Signs of a First Crush
The most common signs for both boys and girls of having a crush include:
• Focusing conversation on one particular child that is in their class or around them frequently
• Asking to bring gifts, treats or special things to school to share with the crush
• Giggling and silly around the other child or being defensive when the subject is brought up by the family
• Increased interest in relationships, marriage and romance in the world around them
Often kids hide the fact that they have a crush but their actions around the romantic interest make it very clear to parents and adults.

What to Do
It is important not to make the situation uncomfortable for the child but to talk in simple and supportive terms. It is safe to ask the child about his or her feelings, as well as to respect the feelings they indicate they have for the other child.

Asking the child if his or her "crush" seems to feel the same is essential. This is a good time to talk about how everyone has their own feelings, and how it is critical not to try to push someone into having feelings or being a boyfriend or girlfriend. Talk to a child about appropriate types of behaviors and what is acceptable and what is not appropriate and may result in getting in trouble.

Finally, keep in mind that kids often have infatuations that last only a short period of time. Encourage your child to talk to you and be prepared to listen and provide support, love and attention. Also, remember that encouraging lots of friends is also a good way to eliminate the hurt a child experiences if their crush isn't as interested in the friendship as they are.

Teach Your Children To Apply Themselves

Helping young people understand that applying themselves to tasks like schoolwork and household chores are important to their long-term attitudes and ultimate success in life. Teach your kids to try harder without resorting to threats or bribes with these tips:

• Focus on progress. Goals are important, but steady progress is the secret of success. Instead of insisting that your child become a star quarterback or a champion speller, emphasize improvement as he or she makes progress.
Give children a choice. Don’t try to force your children into an activity because you think they should do it (or because you did it yourself as a child). If kids feel they have a choice, they’ll try harder. Point out what talents they have, provide options and opportunities, and be honest about what to expect as they try to excel in any chosen activity.
Make them feel positive. Give children lots of praise. They’ll want to do more if they feel good about what they’re doing. Just make sure you’re sincere, honest, and specific.
Use rewards wisely. Sometimes a reward helps a child get started in an activity or motivate kids them when they’re losing interest. But use the reward only to give them a jump-start. After that, replace rewards with verbal encouragement.

  • Helping Your Child Through A First Crush Or Heart Break
  • Teach Your Children To Apply Themselves


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Are These On Your Calendar?


American Heart Month. Heart disease kills an estimated 630,000 Americans each year. February has been celebrated as American Heart Month since 1963 as part of the effort to urge Americans to join the battle against heart disease. Learn how to reduce your risk through lifestyle changes and, in some cases, medication.

Black History Month. An annual observance in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom to commemorate the history and contributions of black people. Black History Month was officially recognized by the U.S. government in 1976, with President Gerald R. Ford urging Americans to “seize the opportunity to honor the too-often neglected accomplishments of black Americans in every area of endeavor throughout our history.”


Saint Valentine's Day, also known as Valentine's Day or the Feast of Saint Valentine, is a holiday observed on February 14 each year.

In 1537, England's King Henry VII officially declared Feb. 14 the holiday of St. Valentine's Day and is associated with romantic love.

In the Eastern Orthodox Church, St. Valentine's Day is celebrated on July 6, in which Saint Valentine, the Roman presbyter, is honoured.

Over 1 billion Valentine’s Day cards are exchanged each year. It’s the second biggest season for cards.
In Victorian times it was considered bad luck to sign a Valentine’s Day card.

Even 3% of pet owners give Valentine’s Day cards to their pets!


Rocking Horse Early Learning Center
2253 American Way
 Port Allen, LA 70767

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